Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Writing about beer for real

Whenever possible I write about beer and actually get paid for it. Of course, a lot of people like to get paid to write about beer (not to mention get samples), so the gigs are limited. Still, I had an article go up recently on Among athletes, I like to believe that cyclists are a particularly good beer drinkers. And I mean that both in their level of taste and overall zeal.

Check it out.

It's hard to pick a favorite out of the bunch, though the Squatter's Full-Suspension Pale Ale, Oskar Blues Gordon, and La Rulles Estivale stood out in my mind. I held a tasting of the 11 beers with about as many tasters and nobody could agree on a favorite. Seeing that just backed up my long-held (well at least the last few years) belief that in life there's no need to worry, because there's always more good beer.

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