Last week I was asked to cover whatever Lance Armstrong said at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting (hint: it was about cancer and biking). Sure I got to see the likes of Bill Clinton, Bush1, Al Gore, and Bono, but what was more exciting was that I got to share a press room with BikeSnobNYC.
No, I didn't know he was there at the time, what with him being anonymous and all. Luckily, he was kind enough to blog about his experience there.
I got to walk through the same rented metal detectors, hover over the same free sushi, and sit among nonplussed journalists while looking up Lance Armstrong's nose. What can I say, had I known I shared the room with the author of one my greatest daily distractions I may not have been finish my article.
But that wouldn't be my only quasi-encounter with BikeSnobNYC. Just a couple days later, he recognized my recent article on a peculiar study that found finger length ratios are related to workout ethic in his Friday Fun Quiz (see #7). If only I could find more uncanny research to please the Snob...
These are the weeks I work and dream for - sharing a room with a cycling icon (and Lance too) and then being mentioned for the bizarre nature of my work. Sometimes after a great ride I feel like the Cycling Gods are smiling down upon me. Well now I feel like the Snob is smirking and possibly rolling his eyes. It feels good to be alive.
(Feel free to write your own caption for the picture. I can't say I remember him talking about the size of anything.)
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