Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oktoberfest in in October (It's mostly in September)

The actual Oktoberfest in Munich ended a week ago. And while the 'fest beers showed up in stores long before that, I've been too busy drinking them to write about my favorites. Still, they should be hanging around your local beer store at least until the end of the month, so here are a few I've enjoyed and recommend.

Weissenohe Monk's Fest
Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe
Märzen / Oktoberfest | 5.00% ABV

A- / 4.1
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4.5

On-tap at the Farmhouse. Served in a standard pint glass, it appears a clear amber-orange with a short white head. Wow this beer is fresh. Right off the bat, it's an expertly balanced, and seemingly flawless Oktoberfest. The aroma and flavor a filled with a seemingly simple bready and light caramel malt profile that's countered by a subtle hop note. I imagine this is what O-fest's from the big German brewers, especially Spaten, would taste like if they fresh and untainted by travel. Overall, this beer is incredibly drinkable and it's a shame this beer isn't everywhere.

Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen
Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG
Märzen / Oktoberfest | 5.80% ABV

B+ / 3.95
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | drink: 4.5

Picked up a single as part of a mixed sixer of seasonal beers at Liberty St. Tavern. Pours a clear amber with a short off-white head. Ah, I love the original Oktoberfests. I wish I'd had this earlier in the season because these put everything in perspective. The aroma and flavor are a smooth caramel flavor that finish with light roasted flavors and a hint of hops. The flavor is fairly clean and there's nothing remotely off. Basically it's tasty and very drinkable. I'd drink a stein-full anytime.

Sly Fox Oktoberfest
Sly Fox Brewing Company
Märzen / Oktoberfest | 5.80% ABV

B+ / 3.85
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4

On-tap at the Royersford brewery. The beer appeared a clear golden orange in my pint glass with two fingers of head. The aroma was rich with caramel, bread crust, and a mild fruity lager tang. The flavor followed up on the same notes, but was a touch subtle for the style. Still, the overall character was very true to the style and I enjoyed catching this beer on the tail end of the Oktoberfest season. Worth trying for anyone that loves traditional German O-fest beer.

Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen
Privatbrauerei Franz Inselkammer KG / Brauerei Aying
Märzen / Oktoberfest | 5.80% ABV

B+ / 4
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | drink: 4

Picked up a 500ml from Byerly's in Maple Grove. Pours a clear amber-gold with a white head. Man I wish Ayinger beer were more readily available/cheaper. This is a great O-fest, rich with bready caramel malts with a smooth, oh-so drinkable body. It is a touch thicker than other in the style, Spaten comes to mind as a thinner beer, but man it's good. The flavor has subtle layers of malt with a touch of crisp light toffee, with an aroma to match. I'll be looking forward to having this again next fall.

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