Sunday, January 8, 2012

Steel Toe Brewing Beer Reviewed

Steel Toe Brewing was a major highlight while I was back in Minneapolis over the holidays. I'd first found their Size 7 IPA on tap at Muddy Waters and immediately wanted to find the rest of their new offerings. Luckily, the fine folks at the Four Firkins had bombers of all four ales. Thanks Alvey.

American Blonde Ale | 5.00% ABV

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5

Picked up a bomber at the Four Firkins for $5. I should have bought another. It's a simple, but very tasty and well-made blonde ale that borders on the lighter side of a pale ale. The aroma is a mix of lightly toasted pale malt and mild, floral tangerine hops. These carry through to the flavor, where the gentle, floral hops character picks up, reminding me of a for subtle Surly Bitter Brewer. It's smooth, very drinkable and finished with a little kick of pale malt grain instead of hops. Wow, this is a great session beer.

American Amber / Red Ale | 6.50% ABV

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

Off the bat, it reminds me a bit of Furious, as a big, red, and tasty beer with a huge hops character. Of course, it's plenty different when you get down to the details. Foremost, the Rainmaker has a strong floral component. You could also say it's a touch darker, though both are more red than your average IPA, or close to a double IPA or red ale. The aroma has a piney, pungent kick over the floral undertones. The flavor balances fruity citrus tangerine and grapefruit on top of mild spice, pine and the floral. The body is more drinkable for a double red, but that's fine by me. I'll take another.

Foreign / Export Stout | 7.00% ABV

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5

Cracked open a bottle for dessert. Poured pitch black with a short tan head from my bomber. Mmm, nice chocolate aroma with a fresh coffee background. The flavor has a tasty, clean dry cocoa roast with a bready malt undertone. Hops come in for a big dry bitter finish that's a little more American stout/double stout. This is an awesome stout, just don't expect something on the sweet side like Lion or Dragon stouts.

Size 7
American IPA | 7.00% ABV

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

Had a pint at Muddy Waters on Lyndale. This is a classic American IPA like you'd expect to find in Denver, Boston, or of course, Minneapolis. I liked that it wasn't too thick, there was just enough clean malt to let the hops stand up and shine. The character was rich with floral fruit, lots of citrus, but nothing too biting. It was a big, but smooth bitterness in the finish. I'd like to try this side-by-side with Masala Mama, this is an IPA I'll be happy to see around town.

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