Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beer Review: I.C. Light - Not as bad as you'd think

It takes a lot for a good beer to surprise me. I set the bar pretty high for craft beer, so for me to really take notice, something basically has to be like a party in my mouth with everyone invited.

For corporate beers from the likes of Anheuser-Busch or Coors, however, I typically expect the worst. So when I tried a can of Pittsburgh's I.C. Light out of curiosity last night, I was pleasantly astonished when it didn't suck.

Here's what I thought of I.C. Light:

I.C. Light
Iron City Brewing Co. (Pittsburgh Brewing Co.)

C+ / 3.1
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | drink: 3.5

I expected to be disgusted by some typical macro lager DMS (a chemical flaw that gives a cooked vegetable aroma and flavor)-riden mess, but this was a decent macro light beer, all things considered. Yeah, it was pretty watery, but the mouthfeel wasn't unpleasantly dry, bitter, or astringent light most other light beers. Instead this matched a slight lemon flavor with mild bready malts. Not a lot going on, but it's a light beer, what more do you?

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