Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Beer Review: Bell's Oberon

Summer is here and that means the lightest of the seasonal beers are upon us - along with heat, beaches, and all that jazz. Summer seasonals runs the risk of being an offensively bland beer as less-talented brewers sacrifice flavor for drinkability. The better brewhouses, however, manage to pack a complex taste along with a balanced and light body. Bell's Oberon, I'm happy to report, is the later.

Bell's Oberon
Bell's Brewery
American Wheat Ale

B+ / 3.9
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | drink: 4

Pairs nicely a BBQ, friends, and a backyard.

Pours a hazy light orange with a white head. The aroma has a creamy orange and malted wheat. The flavor is a nice mix of spicy and citrus hops flavors from the Saaz with the sweet wheat for balance. That creates a pleasant balance of citrus fruit, mellow malts, and spicy/bitter hops - all in a great summer beer. What a deal.

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