Monday, September 29, 2008

1,300 Beers Reviewed. 41,272 To Go

In all honesty, there are far more than 41,272 beers left. That number is just based off of the current total in the database. I know there's no hope in coming close to sampling them all, but the fun's in trying.

Here's number 1300.

Cold Hop British-Style Ale
Boulder Beer Co.
English India Pale Ale

B+ / 4
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4.5
rDev: +3.7%

Picked up a 12 oz. single at Liberty St. Tavern. Pours a clear gold-orange into my glass with a short, white head.

Mmmm, English IPA. The aroma is a little plain, but not necessarily off with more earthy grapefruit. Definite English grains in the flavor, for that dry, biscuity undertone and with grassy, herbal, floral and somewhat citrus hops dominating. Crisper than your average EIPA, there's certainly an American influence here, and while it fits into the style, it stands out. Worth a try if you dig the style and want something different.

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