Thursday, September 4, 2008

Beer Reviews: Taking the good with the very bad

Life has good days and bad days just like it has good beers and awful crap in a can. Here are a couple recent tastings that showcase the duality of beer.

Union Jack IPA
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
American IPA

A- / 4.2
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4.5

The immediate grapefruit and pineapple fruit flavors leave few doubts about the American origin of this brew, but the spicy finish gives a nod to the British past of the style. The malts are fairly light with just a hint of dry biscuit barley under the citrus. The appearance is a deep gold-orange with a tall white head a thick lacing. The body is also as light as any pale ale, making this almost too drinkable for the 7.5% strength. Overall this IPA is rich in flavor with strong bitterness, while still maintaining drinkability. I'd say this is the best IPA I've had in some time. It doesn't hit you over the head with hops yet is complex and interesting.

UPDATE: Union Jack IPA just won the gold for American IPA at the GABF (Great American Beer Festival).

Labatt Ice
Labatt Brewing Co.
American Macro Lager

D+ / 2.35
look: 4 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 1.5 | drink: 2

Poured from a black can. Surprisingly for a macro, this one keeps a short head leaves lacing.

Yeah, this beer could be worse, but it still isn't any treat to drink. The aroma is fowl with dusty-smelling malts and acrid lager character. The flavor actually tastes decent at first, with the big, sweet bready malts of an export lager, but then a big sour milk and citrus tang comes through to ruin it all. What a waste of water.

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