Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beer Reviews: Beer Gone Bad - Probably

Some beers are born bad, others become bad from mishandling and infection. Last night I opened a bottle of Tilted Kilt and found a beer that could have been either. On one hand I'd found the same fowl elements in a similar beer once, McEwen's Scotch Ale. Then again, I'd be surprised if anyone truly wanted to make a beer this nasty.

Tilted Kilt Scottish Ale
Stone Cellar Brewery
Scottish Ale

D- / 1.9
look: 3.5 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 1.5 | drink: 1.5

Picked up a single at the Party Source in Syracuse, NY. How this beer got there, I have no idea. Poured into a pint glass, it's a slightly hazy dark amber with a tall off-white head that slowly fades.

Something is wrong here, this beer smells like feet. There are caramel malt elements to the aroma, but if it smells like one thing, it's feet. Sweaty, caramel-covered feet.

The taste? Guess what - more feet, but with sour lemon, indicating there's probably something rotten here. If I find another bottle I'll try it again and re-review, but as this stands, nearly everything has gone wrong.

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