Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: FSX and PBR

After nine long months of planning, training, and drinking, Fifth Street Cross is finally here. Thank God.

Thank. God.

Fifth Street Cross, for outsiders, is arguably the greatest, season-long, backyard, night-time, cyclo-cross series. And it's been said the crux of Fifth St.'s course is the children's sandbox. I beg to differ. I believe, and I'm sure I'm not alone, that it's the PBR shortcut.

In honor of the peeber-chugging shortcut, here's a review I wrote last year from my neighborhood watering hole.

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)
American Macro Lager

C+ / 3.2
look: 3 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | drink: 4

What is it about this beer? I'm not a dirty hipster and I can afford to drink better. But $1 PBR drafts come along and I can't help myself. It isn't much to look at and the smell is a simple mix of sweet barley and grainy husk. But the taste is smooth with a touch of bready malt. As it warms the adjunct sweetness is a bit much for me, but for what it is, it ain't bad. Hell, I'll admit it. It's kind of good.

(Photo from

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