Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tour de France Dopers: Fuck Those Guys, I'm Having a Beer

For all it's flaws, divas (see Cadel Evans, and again), and rampant cheating, I still love professional cycling. And even with this year's hullabaloo about cleaner and reformed racing, we're still getting positive test results from the tour and I'm still getting pissed off. Yeah it's great the a-holes are getting caught, but damn them for trying in the first place. This week word came out that Bernard Kohl, winner of the mountain classification, teammate to TdF time trial winner/recently caught doper Stefan Schumacher, and ugliest mug in the peloton, doped his way onto the Tour de France podium. The piece of crap.

For anyone wondering. That's Schumacher in the yellow leaders jersey. The man on his left resembling Bat Boy is Kohl. Whatever. It's time for a good beer. Here's what I'd recommend:

Maredsous 10
Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat
Belgian Tripel

A / 4.45
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 5

Beyond all else, this beer has incredible balance. American Belgians often have too much sweetness or fruit, while lesser Belgian imports lack complexity. This beer is right on for the style with it's citrus flavors, glassy hops, and touch of corriander. It's a rich, balanced flavor with no hint of 10% abv. There are a lot of beers where I say I could drink it all night long, this is a beer I would DEMAND all night long if available. Go buy this beer now.

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