Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stupid ideas and beer.

This last weekend I ran/walked the Marine Corps Marathon. It was a bad idea. It was a stupid idea. I'd been off any type of marathon training plan for months and my IT band was acting up.

But I have no regrets. In fact, I have a soft spot for stupid ideas when then involve athleticism. My only complaint from the weekend was that the marathon was on Sunday and I had to get my celebrating in early, on Saturday.

Being in D.C., there was only one place to celebrate a stupid achievement before it even happened - The Brickskeller. In addition to having a lovely basement pub ambiance, the Brickskeller also claims to have the largest beer selection in the U.S. (second in the world to the Kulminator in Belgium). I did happen to ask for nine beers that they didn't have in stock, but I still had a few good - or at least interesting - brews.

Firestone Pale Ale
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
American Pale Ale

B+ / 4
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4.5

Ordered a bottle with my Brick's Ale Burger at the Brickskeller. The body is a clear straw yellow with a white head and lacing. I know many hold this up as one of the great pale ales, and I'm inclined to agree when you consider the whole package. It holds nearly the same depth of hop flavor as Sierra Nevada, but with a lighter body it's much more drinkable. The malts have a light bready malt taste, that's matched first by piney, citrus hops, and then later a spicy, long-lasting aftertaste. How this beer drinks actually reminds me of a good English bitter, for the ability to hold complex flavors in a light and highly sessionable beer.

Stary Melnik Krepkoye
Pivovariya Moskva-Efes ZAO
Euro Pale Lager

C+ / 3.1
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | drink: 3.5

AKA Stary Melnik Strong. Ordered a bottle at the Brickskeller... after they were out of the first nine beers I asked for. Anyways.

The flavor reminds me of peppermint and sweet bread. The appearance is a clear gold with a white head and there are no brewing flaws in the aroma or flavors. It was an interesting beer to try but I wouldn't order it again. The odd yeast character and malts are "ok" but not entirely pleasant. It's certainly worth a try for something different and not a bad beer.

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