Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beer in Miami: Imperial

A big thanks to Chan and Tim for hosting us in Miami for the weekend. The area isn't exactly known for it's beer. In fact, many beer lovers know it for its lack of beer. Still, I persevered and found the local flavor - beer from Latin America.

On the way to the beach Friday we picked up a cold sixer of Imperial, a simple adjunct-lager from Costa Rica. Just like I say about PBR, this beer is excellent for what it is. In this case, a refreshing beach beer.

C+ / 3.1
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | drink: 3.5

Picked up a six-pack for $7 from Publix in Miami and brought it down to South Beach. This was a great beach beer, sure it didn't taste like much, but it was refreshing and clean. Really, it's just a plain, light bready water taste with very light touch of hops in the aftertaste. Really, this beer is the ideal adjunct lager - no flavor flavor, with absolutely no off-flavors. I'd take this over Miller Lite or Budweiser any day.


alex kaplan said...

Hi just got back from Costa Rica on saturday and i live in miami and was wondering which Publix you went to that carried Imperial? Thanks a bunch.

Matt Allyn said...

I got it for about $7-8 from the Publix at 311 SW 7th St, Miami, FL.