Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Belgian Beer Reviews: Cantillon Kriek, Binchoise, and XXX (obviously Canadian)

Jesus I love (good) Belgians. I also threw in a beer that kinda sucks for balance. I do still drink the occasional crap--for science, you know.

Cantillon Kriek 100% Lambic
Brasserie Cantillon
Lambic - Fruit

B+ / 3.9
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | drink: 4

Had a bottle at the Farmhouse in Emmaus, PA. Poured a beautiful almost clear red with a short pink head. The aroma had a subtle musk with a tart cherry note that also permeated the flavor. This beer tastes like a mellow-flavored, though no less tangy, lambic with a drop of tart cherry juice in every sip. The farmhouse elements are more subdued than usual and frankly I dont think this beer is as rich and tasty as a straight up oude geuze. But I will say, this is a gorgeous looking beer.

La Binchoise Reserve Special
Brasserie La Binchoise (Malterie des Remparts)
Belgian Strong Pale Ale

A- / 4.05
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | drink: 4

Picked up a bottle for about $3 from Abe's. Poured a hazy dark amber with an off-white head. The aroma has a rich, spiced plum element to it, while the flavor has a fruity apple-caramel melt profile with a hint of dry, minerals (sort of like a German pils). Digging a little deeper I get slight cranberry and raspberry notes in the taste and smooth candi sugar caramel in the aroma. The beer is a bit sweet, and too much so for some people, but I'm a fan and would drink this again. Reminds me of a little of St. Bernardus. Tasty.

Molson XXX
American Malt Liquor

C- / 2.65
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2 | drink: 2.5
rDev: +2.6%

Thanks to a friend for sharing. Poured a clear gold with a slight had. This is a pretty corny beer. The DMS is all over this suck in the aroma and flavor. It certainly doesn't improve as it warms and while at first it seems to be the next best true malt liquor to Mickeys, the additional "character" here (cheap chardonnay, cooked corn). There's worse out there, but there's no real reason to drink it, save for just trying it once.

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