Sunday, April 8, 2007

An Easter Basket Full of Beer

Saturday night I confirmed a longstanding theory of mine that almost all beer tastes better when it's free. Sure, free-ness can't elevate the worst of brews, but for something as mediocre as a macro-lager like Labatt Blue Light (I swear I drank it for posterity's sake) it can make beer-flavored water an enjoyable experience.

New Brews:

Labatt Blue Light
: Inoffensive, sweet, and a good intoxicator if you don't mind constant urination.

Stone Pale Ale: Pretty bitter, but no crisp hops flavor like the other Stone brews, still a winner though.

Harpoon Brown Session Ale: Another decent nutty brown ale.

McEwan's Scotch Ale: 8% abv and smelled like sneaker sole. Avoid.

Wolaver's Organic IPA: If you happen to care about organic beer and like hops, this isn't a bad way to go - otherwise its just slightly above average.

Brooklyn Pilsner: Light malts of a traditional pils, but with big American citrus hops flavor.

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