Tuesday, April 17, 2007

No Class Today

When you only have one class on Tuesdays, sooner or later you're bound to have a day off. I took advantage of this time to drink beer and write (about beer). I'm started on roughly five of the eight articles for Draft that are due at the end of the month, and should have beer samples for one of them in the mail. Horay free beer!

I also took a little time to have a trainer rider on my mountain bike while catching up on season 3 of Scrubs. Afterward I felt guilty about the dirty state of my bike. The dirt was thanks to a messy road ride a couple weeks ago, the poor thing hasn't seen trails yet. Of course, it was too cold outside, so I cleaned it the only other way I know how - I took a shower with it.

Here it is crammed into my tiny bathroom before the cleaning:

Here it is all clean, sitting in front of my ugly chairs:

Now it's mid-April and someone might wonder why I'd do an indoor bike, when it's Spring out. This picture from Monday morning should explain that:

The six inches of wet snow was a nice surprise after having to work the overnight shift at the Newhouse lab help desk. Here's one last picture to show how Christine left about the snow and being at work until 7AM:

Anyways here's a couple beers I've had:

Victory Storm King Stout
: Very hoppy for an imperial stout. A nice, but not amazing mix of hops and chocolate flavors.

Konig Pilsener: Another nice pils. Has a good balance of hops and malt, like a German version of a pale ale.


Allison said...

I just cleaned my mountain bike too! I find it really satisfying. It was especially good this time because we went for a 3 hour mountain ride on sunday (opening day for our mountain season here!)and it was super muddy. So I got to clean off inches of mud caked in places.

I need to drink more beer. I live vicariously through you on this count...which is probably good given my alcohol tolerance.

Jacob said...

Yikes...that snow...It was a beautiful week here in MN...