Sunday, April 22, 2007

Warm weather finally

Three good things came to Syracuse this weekend: a box of free beer, 70+F and sunny weather and a car of recent-grad friends. The weather was nice, but the Steve, Gaetano, and Jean made the weekend. I know the three from working at Jerk Magazine. Gaetano and Jean were editors and Steve was never really on staff, but was a good friend of the mag.

Aside from a couple leisurely bike rides with Christine, the weekend mostly comprised of eating followed by drinking and frivolity with our guests. Friday night we were back at Al's Whisky and Wine where I split of bottle of La Fin du Monde (The End of the World) with Steve. We ended the night over at the Blue Tusk with a little Irish whiskey and a hug from Gaetano (he's not really a touchy-feely guy).

Me, Steve, and Jean (R to L) trying to look classy at Al's:

Saturday night was much more collegiate at Chuck's, the quintessential student-dive bar near campus. There's hardly a single surface that doesn't have some crap written on it. Usually it's just sorority-sister and rugby team scribbling, but my heart was warmed when I saw someone had written "DWIGHT SCHRUTE" above my booth. We went back to Christine's, where everyone was staying and eventually Steve was leading us all in either sing-alongs of Disney Cartoons (Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers, etc...) or the Arrested Development chick dances.

In other news, I received a box full of beer from Central Waters Brewing for a profile I'm writing on them. I've only reviewed one, the IPA, but I'll have to get to the rest soon. Seriously though, it was like Christmas.

Lagunita's Hairy Eyeball: Sort of like an English barleywine in that it had a rich, fruity malt flavor that dominates. Drinks mellow without much hint of the 9% abv.

Schwelmer Bernstein: I have a soft spot for German beers, even if they're just smooth amber lagers like this Vienna lager.

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale: Basically a decent mix of an IPA and a brown ale.

Copperhook Spring Ale: Meh, it was ok. Nothing really to try here, move along.

La Fin du Monde: I love Belgian brews, and this was pretty good, though I don't think it lives up to its Top 100 beers in the world status on BeerAdvocate.

Lac du Bay IPA: Two French-named beers in one week, what are the odds? Either way, a stand up example of an English IPA. Nice earthy hops.

Blue Point Blueberry Ale: Well, if you like blueberries and you like beer, it's for you.

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