Saturday, March 31, 2007

Better Know a Continent: Australia

At the request of my friend Shelby, who's abroad in Australia, I've reviewed some Australian beer. I picked up the four best I could find. There were two others, Toohey's New, which has horrible reviews on BeerAdvocate, and Bluetongue Pilsner, which apparently isn't horrible, but got a crappy review in a beer mag I read recently.

That leaves us with Coopers Brewery and a lager from James Boag:

James Boag's Premium Lager: Nothing special, just a sweet inoffensive lager.

Coopers Original Pale Ale: It may be original, but it sure ain't special.

Coopers Sparkling Ale
: Like the above two beers but lighter and with more carbonation.

Coopers Dark Ale: Not bad. Some cocoa flavors come through here, still a little bland.

Coopers Best Extra Stout
: This is an old review. By fall the best Aussie beer I've tried. As a stout it gives Guinness a kick in the sack.

And yeah, there's probably some Foster's oil cans somewhere around Syracuse, btu we all know it sucks anyways. I do hear Foster's Bitter is drinkable. Also, check out this beer map of Australia for breweries. As far as I can tell Little Creatures Brewing is the best brewery in the land.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.